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How to place an order

Every time you find the watch you wanted, simply click the “Add to Basket” button appearing at the side of the product. You may access your Basket (and review its contents or change it etc.) by simply clicking the View Basket button which appears at the top of the page at any time.

When you have selected the products of your choice, conveniently saved and stored in your Shopping Basket, click the Exit button. This will take you to the purchase page where you will be asked for your credit card details (see Credit Card charges) and the delivery address information.

All prices are indicated in Euros (VAT inclusive) and in US dollars.

When you reach the purchase page and indicate the country to which your purchases are to be delivered, prices will be shown in Euros only if within the EEC or dollars only if outside the EEC.

We will send you an email confirming receipt of your order.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
We will ask for your card number, date of expiry and the 3 digit Security Code.

What is the Security Code?
This is a code consisting of the last 3 digits printed on the back of your Visa or Mastercard above your signature. On the American Express card it is the 4 digits printed on the front of the card.
This Security Code enables us to identify the card as genuine .



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